Thursday, November 14, 2013

About Kidney

  • Kidney is one of the major organ of human body.
  • It located in the abdominal cavity and lie in a retroperitoneal position at a slightly oblique angle.
  • There are two kidneys, each adult kidney weighs between 125 to 170grams in males and between 115 and 155 grams in females.
  • The Kidney is approximately 11-14 cm in length, 6 cm wide and 4 cm thick.
  • It is essential for urinary system
  • It act like filter to make sure right amount of wastes and fluids are removed.
  • Every hour blood circulates 12 times in Kidney.
  • Kidney involve 3 major harmones role they are, Erthropoietin, Renin and Active Vitamin D.
  • Erthropoietin stimulates the production of red blood cells.
  • Renin is involved in control of blood pressure.
  • Acrive Vitamin D controls calcium uptake and helps make strong bones.
  • It keep the proper balance of salts and acids in our body